South Africa’s Energy Regulator has taken another set of decisions opening the way for the operationalisation of a separate grid company in South Africa ahead of the far-reaching legislative changes approved by the National Assembly last week. On March 11, the Energy Regulator consented to the transfer of powers and duties, from Eskom Holdings to the National Transmission Company South Africa (NTCSA), relating to power purchase agreements with independent power producers (IPPs) concluded in line with Section 34 of Electricity Regulation Act (ERA) of 2006.
The South African Wind Energy Association’s (SAWEA’s) formal response to the draft Integrated Resource Plan 2023 (IRP 2023) questions both the modelling and assumptions used to determine the vastly diminished allocation for wind energy in the period to 2030 when compared with the prevailing plan. It will also call for an overhaul of the document, including its post-2030 Horizon Two, given the lack of transparency in the current version regarding the modelling constraints employed, as well as the embedded policy adjustments and their associated costs.
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