A coalition of civil society organisations from Indonesia, Senegal, South Africa and Vietnam on June 10 launched their ‘Principles for a Fair Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP)’, which emphasises the integral need for accountability, transparency and equity in climate finance. International renewable energy advocacy organisation 350.org said the guiding principles were identified with the input of Global South communities.
The Republic of Guinea has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Russian State-owned nuclear energy and technology group Rosatom to explore the use of sea-based floating nuclear reactors to generate electricity for the coastal West African country. The MoU was signed at last week’s St Petersburg International Economic Forum, in Russia. “The cooperation involves joint work on developing a power supply solution both to industrial and domestic consumers in the Republic of Guinea, deploying floating nuclear power units with RITM-200 reactors, which have already proven efficient,” explained Rosatom Mechanical Engineering Division Deputy Head Vladimir Aptekarev. “The power supply issue in the African region is urgent, and our main task is to provide a fast reliable and environment-friendly solution for our partners.”
President Cyril Ramaphosa has underlined the importance of the new government – which is yet to be formed after no single party secured an outright majority in the recent elections – continuing with the economic reforms under way in the electricity, logistics, water and telecommunications sectors. Writing in his weekly newsletter days after the national executive committee of the African National Congress (ANC) agreed that it should initiate talks with other parties on the formation of a possible government of national unity (GNU), Ramaphosa insisted that there was “broad support for the continuation of economic reforms” that have been spearheaded under Operation Vulindlela.