The ‘second wave’ of government’s Operation Vulindlela initiative is poised to be widened to include additional structural reforms to those that have been pursued to date in electricity, freight logistics, telecoms, water and skills with the goal of stimulating higher levels of economic growth over the coming five years. Established jointly by the Presidency and the National Treasury in October 2020 to accelerate priority structural reforms to overcome problems identified as “binding constraints” to economic performance, Operation Vulindlela is expected to continue as a flagship programme under the government of national unity.
Clean energy developer Blue Energy Africa has built a hybrid 435 kW solar and battery storage system for planting bags producer Naboom Plastic, in Mookgophong, Limpopo. The system provides the producer with energy security and operational resilience, as well as saving 80% to 90% on its previous electricity use from the grid. The implementation of the system has allowed Naboom Plastic to start clearing a 60 t production backlog caused by loadshedding. It also benefits the livelihoods of the company’s 64 employees and their families. 
The City of Cape Town is nearing the successful completion of an electricity meter upgrade programme across the city ahead of the December deadline, when the current prepaid electricity metering software for all prepaid meters will expire.

All municipalities across the country have been mandated to undertake prepaid electricity meter software upgrades by December or customers will be unable to recharge their units through their meters.

South Africa is risking a $9.3-billion climate finance pact by delaying the closing of a number of coal-fired power plants, a panel appointed by the country’s environment minister said. In an agreement known as the Just Energy Transition Partnership, South Africa won the bulk of the pledges from some of the world’s richest nations in loans, grants and guarantees in 2021. They offered to help the country reduce its dependence on coal for power generation on condition it phased out a number of its older plants using the dirtiest fuel.