While proclaiming industrial policy to be the “centre piece” of the government of national unity’s economic development strategy, new Trade, Industry and Competition Minister Parks Tau indicated he would be leaning on local procurement to create early-stage demand in targeted sectors. In his maiden Budget Vote address to Parliament, attended by his predecessor Ebrahim Patel, Tau said industrial policy was the anchor around which the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) would deploy trade instruments, incentives, tools and regulation, including any support for new energy vehicle production and green industrialisation.
Energy company Energy Partners (EP) has successfully delivered a 3.2 MW, 3.1 MWh hybrid power project for the Futuregrowth Community Property Fund- (Comprop-) owned Heidelberg Mall, in Gauteng. The company says this project ensures all-day uninterrupted power, significantly reducing total electricity expenditure and offering a compelling value proposition for retail tenants.
Five development finance institutions have banded together to find a way to develop the world’s biggest electricity-generation project, the planned Grand Inga hydropower complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo that’s been stalled for decades. The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and the Industrial Development Corporation, both South African State banks, are working with pan-African institutions — the African Development Bank and African Export-Import Bank — as well as the New Development Bank, the finance arm of the BRICS groups of nations.
Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Minister Dr Dion George has promised “wide consultation” on South Africa’s next nationally determined contribution (NDC) decarbonisation pledge that will be lodged with the United Nations next year. Delivering his maiden Budget Vote, George stressed that South Africa remained a responsible global citizen and committed to the multilateral rules-based regime under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement.