Billions of rand that South African municipalities owe Eskom are hindering the State-owned power utility’s plan to restructure and separate its distribution unit, according to chairperson Mteto Nyati. South Africa’s municipalities owed Eskom R95.4-billion by November as they struggle to collect revenue from customers and available funds are sometimes misappropriated after years of mismanagement.
In this opinion article, Alboricah Rathupetsane of Stellenbosch University’s Centre for Sustainability Transitions argues that South Africa’s Transmission Development Plan presents an industrialisation opportunity.
Namibia, one of the world’s largest uranium producers, is seeking investment from China in nuclear power to boost its role in the global push to clean energy.

“We want to add value to our uranium for the peaceful development of nuclear energy,” President Nangolo Mbumba said Monday during a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is on a week-long visit to Africa.