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Ramaphosa unveils infrastructure, jobs plan after Covid-19 hit
Standard Bank continues to increase exposure to renewables, move away from coal
Sustainability head Wendy Dobson says the bank continues to consider climate-related risk as a top risk and material issue and its working to better understand and manage its exposure.
Landmark court judgment enhances Eskom’s collection efforts
The case was brought against Eskom by Pioneer Foods, in which the packaged goods company sought to review and set aside Eskom’s decision in 2018 to interrupt electricity supply to the Walter Sisulu municipality, in the Eastern Cape, owing to its failure to pay its electricity bill.
Landmark court judgment affords Eskom enhanced collection efforts
The case was brought against Eskom by Pioneer Foods, in which the packaged goods company sought to review and set aside Eskom’s decision in 2018 to interrupt electricity supply to the Walter Sisulu municipality, in the Eastern Cape, owing to its failure to pay its electricity bill.
Tribunal confirms settlement between commission, Aberdare Cables
Under the terms of the settlement, Aberdare has admitted to price fixing, market allocation and collusive tendering in contravention of the Competition Act, between 2001 and 2010, but will not be paying an administrative penalty.
SAPVIA joins forces with European solar association to realise opportunities
Both associations have been at the forefront of shaping the regulatory environment in their respective territories.
78 MW Bokamoso solar park begins commercial operations
Renewable energy tool to assist household applications
The business-to-consumer tool works by providing an accurate and rapid estimate of the solar energy potential of an individual’s home, and will be rolled out first in Europe and then worldwide.
Solar ‘new king’ of electricity, but shift to net zero will require ‘unwavering efforts …
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