Stage 2 load-shedding might be required at short notice from 16:00 to midnight on Wednesday. Breakdowns at the Majuba, Tutuka and Kriel power stations have put a severe strain on the power generation system, Eskom said.
US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) believes it is well positioned to feed projects into the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), which was established between South Africa and several developed countries, including the US, in 2020, and which is expected to progress towards implementation later this year. The JETP includes an initial offer of $8.5-billion – to be provided by France, Germany, the US, the UK and the European Union – to help fund South Africa’s transition from coal to renewables, while protecting workers and communities reliant on the coal value chain.
Two separate opinion polls undertaken in Germany have both shown that the greater number of those polled want the life of the country’s three remaining nuclear power reactors to be extended, “World Nuclear News” has pointed out. The three reactors are currently scheduled to be shut down at the end of this year, for political and not technical reasons. Following the tsunami-triggered nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan in March 2011, the German government of then Chancellor Angela Merkel passed legislation, later that same year, to phase out all nuclear power in the country by the end of this year (2022). At that time, Germany had 14 operating nuclear power reactors, providing some 25% of the country’s electricity.
Eskom has submitted a tariff restructuring application to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) in which the utility is proposing a major overhaul of the prevailing retail tariff structure, including a separation of energy, network and service charges and the introduction of dynamic time-of-use pricing. The application was submitted on August 5 and Eskom is requesting that it be implemented on April 1 next year, together with any adjustments to the tariff rate arising from the regulator’s parallel adjudication of its latest multiyear price determination (MYPD) application,
State-owned electricity utility Eskom has confirmed that Unit 2 at the Koeberg nuclear power station was returned to service at 20:24 on Sunday, August 7. “The unit is currently loading and will require about ten days to reach full output,” spokesperson Sikonathi Mantshantsha confirmed in an emailed response to an Engineering News enquiry.
 South Africa’s Eskom said it would implement “Stage 2” power cuts between 1600 and 2400 local time (1400 and 2200 GMT) on Saturday and Sunday due to several generating units breaking down and delays returning others to service. The struggling state-owned company resumed power cuts on Wednesday after a pause of 11 days, and implemented them again on Thursday and Friday.
The project by City of Johannesburg (CoJ) utility City Power to retrofit all of Johannesburg’s streetlights with light-emitting diode (LED) technology is gathering pace, providing energy saving and environment-friendly light, CoJ Environment and Infrastructure Services Department MMC Michael Sun says. “I’m delighted that this pilot project is beginning to improve the city of gold’s energy position and positively impact the lives of our residents,” he comments.
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) announces that on July 29, the Energy Regulator approved the publication of a consultation paper and timelines to process State-owned utility Eskom’s Fifth Multi-Year Price Determination (MYPD5) revenue application for the 2023/24 financial year.
Minister in the Presidency Mondli Gungubele says the reforms under way in the electricity sector – including the removal of the 100 MW licensing threshold for distributed generation projects and the expedited procurement of new capacity from renewables, gas and battery storage – will “supercharge our efforts to modernise and transform the electricity sector”. “Most importantly, these changes will create the conditions for a boom in private fixed investment in the coming years, which will lift our economic growth overall,” Gungubele said during the release of Operation Vulindlela’s latest progress update.
US investors with more than $1-trillion of assets under management are in South Africa to look for investment opportunities. The visit being facilitated by USAID and Prosper Africa, the US government’s initiative to increase trade and investment between African nations and America, started Tuesday and will coincide with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip. Blinken arrives in the country Sunday — his second official trip to Africa. He will also visit the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.