The bankable feasibility study (BFS) for blue ammonia producer Suiso’s R31.5-billion coal-to-fertiliser and methanol project in Kriel, Mpumalanga, was completed earlier this month. The study was carried out through engineering services firm Wuhuan Engineering. With the BFS complete, basic engineering for the project will start in February, to be followed by the start of construction next year. The plant is slated to be fully operational and fired up in 2029.
South Africa’s grid transmission infrastructure is constrained, and it is critical that this be dealt with to support the country’s goal of increasing its energy supply and diversifying its energy mix, while contributing to socioeconomic development. This was highlighted by speakers during Creamer Media’s Energy Outlook 2025 webinar: “Accelerating Investment in South Africa’s Transmission Network”, held on January 29.
On the eve of the highly-anticipated announcement of Eskom’s tariffs for the coming three years, the Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA) has warned that tariff increases will fail to improve the State-owned company’s financial viability unless they are accompanied by dramatic improvements to revenue management and controls. It also warns of unintended consequences for municipal indebtedness and illegal connections, given growing affordability concerns.
An initiative to connect 300-million Africans to electricity in the next six years has won new pledges worth more than $8-billion from lenders including the Islamic Development Bank and the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank. The Mission 300 initiative, launched by the World Bank and the African Development Bank in April, is projected to cost $90-billion. Its implementation faces challenges because the economies of countries in the region are severely constrained, mainly due to sluggish revenue and high debt service costs.
As Eskom seeks approval from the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) for a 36% electricity tariff increase, faith-based eco-justice organisation, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI), is calling for reforms to South Africa’s electricity pricing system. SAFCEI warned that approving the hike would push many households deeper into energy poverty and said the focus should rather be on addressing Eskom’s shortcomings.  
Leading global builder and operator of renewable-energy projects JUWI Renewable Energies has announced that it is building three utility scale solar PV projects in South Africa with a combined capacity of 340 MW and an investment value of R6-billion. Once in operation the independent power producer (IPP) projects will produce more than a million megawatt-hours yearly and supply green electricity to companies in the mining, data centre, and energy sectors, including Glencore, Teraco, Sasol, and Air Liquide.
Loveness Madangawa prepares lunch over an open fire in Mutare in eastern Zimbabwe – she has an electric stove, but power cuts caused partly by drought hitting the main hydropower station means she has no choice. “It is not easy, but I am now used to it,” the 35-year-old mother-of-three told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in the densely populated suburb of Dangamvura.
South African electricity trader Discovery Green has confirmed that is has signed supply agreements for wheeled electricity with five companies in the mining, property and hospitality sectors, where the appetite for clean energy and price certainty remains strong despite the lowering of the loadshedding risk. Having confirmed a five-year power purchase agreement with platinum miner Implats on January 27, the Discovery Group company reported that it had also signed agreements with KP Lime, The Capital Hotels and Apartments, Balwin Properties, and Fortress REIT Limited.
World Bank president Ajay Banga said boosting access to electricity is the key to unlocking the demographic dividend in the world’s youngest continent. Banga, who spoke in an interview at the Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit in Tanzania, laid out a plan that could see the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank and private investors spend about $85-billion to bring power to 300-million people by 2030.
Investment management company Prescient Investment Management has launched the Prescient Domestic Balanced Fund, seeded with an initial investment of R200-million. The fund has a number of unique characteristics, including low-cost access to a variety of South African assets including equity, bonds, infrastructure, clean energy and both private and listed credit.